Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Adsense And Autoblogger Pro. Low Maintenance PPC Income?

Adsense is hot, no doubt about it. So hot in fact that many people are jumping on the bandwagon with the hopes of getting rich without any clue to what they are getting into. Take a quick second and do a search on EBAY for Adsense sites and you’ll see what I mean. The titles of most of these auctions are absolutely ridiculous…. “Make ten thousand dollars a month if you buy a site from me!!!” The list of these cookie cutter Adsense sites goes on and on and on. But can you really make any money by plopping down $50 bucks on one of these ready made sites?

Sadly, the answer in most cases is no.

First of all, if the person that sold you the site was really making hundreds or thousands of dollars a month from ‘similar Adsense sites’ do you really think he or she would be selling them on EBAY for $30??? Probably not. Most likely the seller in these cases is just a web designer shooting out as many cheap websites as they can, trying to cash in on the craze. They build the site, you buy it, and the relationship ends there. You now own a website that has zero traffic. Which translates to zero money. And to make it worse, the person you just bought the site from will most likely relist an exact duplicate the day after your transaction is completed. Causing your site to become even more worthless in the eyes of the search engines.

So what is a person to do that really wants to start an Adsense site business?

Well, there are really two paths that you can choose at this point. If you have the knowledge to build and promote your own website or websites then obviously this is the route you should take. But the majority of the people jumping in on the Adsense craze today are people that have zero knowledge in these areas, so where should they start?

Start with a basic knowledge of what it takes for a site to be successful with surfers and the search engines. By now you’ve certainly heard the phrase ‘Content is KING’. And it’s true. So when considering building or purchasing your first website you should take a look at the content and make a plan to keep the site fresh content wise, for both surfers and search engines. This means that you’re going to probably have to update your site from time to time. But how do you do this if you have no programming skills or html knowledge?

By far, the best method I’ve found to date is by using the new AutoBlogger Pro ( ) script with Wordpress ( What this script does is absolutely fantastic for those that don’t want to spend all of their time adding to their new website. The concept is pretty simple. It’s a Wordpress blog automatically fed and updated by RSS feeds and unique content posted by the owner of the site. Literally, all of your updates to the site are done by the click of one button. No html knowledge? That’s ok, Autoblogger Pro has got you covered. Once the site is configured, you simply login once a day or once a week and click one button. It in turn pulls in all kinds of new, fresh content, and then blends it smoothly into your site. Here’s an example of an ABP site that I setup for one of my customers: (You can also get information on where to purchase a site like this there)

The best feature is that you choose the content that feeds your site. It completely optimizes your content for the search engines, allowing you to also focus on the highest paying keywords in Adsense. And it’s going to be completely unique, not at all like the cookie cutter sites mentioned in the first part of this article.

No longer do you have to spend hours each week updating and adding to your content. You are now free to spend all of your time where it should be spent. Promoting. Driving traffic to your website. Which is my favorite subject to discuss. However there’s just too much to cover on website promotion to put into an article or two. That’s why I have setup a forum dedicated to ethical website promotion. If you would like to learn more on this topic, please feel free to visit us and jump right in:

By: Chuck Crawford

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